Eye Strain Exercises

Warm-Up/Rest Periods 


1. 2min: Cupping both palms over eyes. No light should get through to relax eyes (decrease muscle strain) 


Eye Pressing

  • Allows blood flow towards the eyes. Increases the various eye-tissues (especially the sclera) to become elastic and flexible.

  • Close your eyes as and squeeze them as tightly as you can. This creates pressure on the eye balls.

  • Hold contraction for 10secs, relax 20secs. 

  • Blink the eyes a few times. Repeat 10x


Eye Exercises 

Focal Flexibility 

  • Hold up a pen near tip of nose, about 15cm away. 

  • Look at the pen for 5secs. Then look at a distant object at least 6meters away for 5secs. Repeat 40x  ** Do it with one eye, then both eyes 



- use this exercise to relieve the stiffness of your eye muscles after prolonged staring at computer screen  

  • Sit comfortably and extend your hand at an arm's length directly in front of your nose.

  • Make a fist, excluding your thumb. Point your thumb upward so that you can see the nail.

  • Steadily looking at the thumbnail, move your hand (in as big arcs as possible) in the following direction: Side to side, Up and down, Diagonal both directions, Archimedes spiral



- develop the flexibility of your crystalline lens. When the crystalline lens is inflexible, your eyes will feel strained.

  • Hold the index finger of your hand near your tip of nose. Fix your gaze on the finger-tip. (As get better use small letters) 

  • Move your hand away from your nose till your arm is fully stretched.

  • Now, bring the finger back to your nose tip. Continue looking at the tip of your finger at all time. 4. Repeat 20x. (both eyes, right eye/left eye) 


Peripheral Vision

  • Place two fingers 30cm straight out in front of your eyes. 

  • Gaze straight past them into the distance without looking directly at them. See the pencils with your peripheral vision

  • Move each pen SLOWLY to the sides of each eye as far as you can see them peripherally. 

  • Repeat 10x 

  • Do this diagonally both side: Left Up/Right Down, Left Down/Right Up & repeat 10x  ** Keep you head looking straight ahead for all steps. 

Peripheral Vision 2 

  • Close one eye tight shut. Do the same with other eye.

  • With both eyes > stare at an object straight ahead. Put power behind that look. 

  • Then look hard at one corner of your eyes, keeping your head still. Just turn the eyes. Put pressure behind that look.

  • Now change and look hard at another corner. Remember don’t turn your head. Do this with all corners of your eye. Finish with palming


Blurry Reading

  • Put some reading material upside down, deep into your blur zone. Read as far away as possible

  • Now look at any word and slowly run your gaze around it. If you can see the individual letters, slowly run your gaze around them  3. Repeat 10x 


Using Eye Chart

Distant Vision Strengthening Exercise 

  • Look at eye chart at the boldest letter 

  • Trace an outline of the chosen letter 

  • Close your eyes

  • Re-trace an outline of the chosen letter again whilst S-L-O-W-L-Y moving back. 

  • When you reach the point where print becomes indistinct or unreadable STOP. 

  • Repeat with all lines. 


Alternate Near and Far reading

  • You would need to use distant vision chart & the near vision chart Try not to use your glasses, unless your distant or near vision is too weak.

  • Hang the distant vision chart on the wall. The vision chart should be about 3 feet from the ground.

  • Sit at a distance from the chart so that you can read at least the first four lines.

  • Hold the near vision chart about fifteen inches away from you.

  • Look at the near chart. Read the smallest letters that are legible for 5secs 

  • Then shift your focus to the distant vision chart. Read the letters of that chart for a 5secs.

  • Repeat the above process ten times. 

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De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis (Thumb Pain when gripping)


Costochondritis (Rib pain in front of chest)