Infrared Laser Therapy for Pain
Reduce the need for painkillers with laser treatment therapy
One of the most common strategies to relieve musculoskeletal pain is through the use of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescribed pain medication, each of which carries its benefits, risks and undesirable adverse effects.[i]
However, infrared laser therapy treatment, through a process called photobiomodulation (PBM) is a non-invasive treatment that is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for musculoskeletal injuries for the majority of patients.[ii]
For more in-depth information you can read our journal article in the link below or to or scroll down to find out more!
Laser Therapy via Photobiomodulation for Musculoskeletal Pain in Clinical Settings
Common Questions About Infrared Laser Therapy
What is Infrared Laser Therapy?
Infrared Laser therapy for pain is a non-invasive light therapy treatment that is effective in reducing pain and inflammation, and reducing disability associated with musculoskeletal injuries and disorders.
Several terms have been used to describe the effect of this light therapy over the years including cold laser therapy, biostimulation and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) However, over recent years researchers and clinicians agreed on the term ‘photobiomodulation’ to describe the therapeutic application of light to help heal injured tissues.
Photobiomodulation is the biochemical reaction that occurs naturally in all living cells in response to light. All light (whether it’s within the infrared, near-infrared and visible light spectrum) contains energy particles called photons. When photons are transmitted and absorbed by living tissues, they provide energy to the cell to stimulate cellular growth, metabolism and in turn, accelerate healing processes and DNA repair.
Research shows that photobiomodulation helps improve wound and soft tissue healing, improve muscle regeneration, reduce inflammatory processes, and provide relief to both acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes. Using light therapy can assist the body to repair itself, reduce pain by reducing inflammation, and aid healing.
At Doctors of Osteo, we use the DJO LightForce® Therapy Laser to administer our laser treatment therapies. This laser uses both wavelengths of 810nm and 980nm, compared to a single wavelength used by most other laser companies. Treatment using these wavelengths is more effective than single wavelength lasers due to light energy being more easily absorbed by musculoskeletal tissue to stimulate metabolic activity and cellular repair, without being absorbed by other tissues such as blood or melanin in the skin. We only want the best for our patients, which is why we chose the DJO LightForce® Therapy Laser.
How does laser therapy work?
Laser therapy for pain relief (photobiomodulation) works by stimulating healing to take place at the affected site. The light from the laser penetrates deep into the mitochondria of the cells and targets the cytochrome C complex which is found in the inner membrane of the mitochondria. This stimulates increased production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which in turn, speeds up the function and repair processes of the cell.
Photobiomodulation also stimulates extra blood flow into the damaged tissue which delivers oxygen, vital sugars, proteins and salts to the cells, and removes waste products — all of which accelerate cellular reproduction and growth and aids the healing process. The reactions triggered by laser therapy translate into reduced inflammation at the injured site, which may lead to reduced pain.
Is the light from the laser dangerous?
No. Unlike sunlight, which contains harmful UVA and UVB wavelengths, lasers can be programmed to emit safe and therapeutic wavelengths between 400nm and 1400nm which helps stimulate growth, DNA repair and cellular metabolism.
Research has shown that wavelengths of 810nm and 980nm are the most effective due to their ability to be absorbed by musculoskeletal tissue without energy being absorbed by other tissues such as water, blood or melanin in the skin, which is why our laser operates on these wavelengths.
Is photobiomodulatoin backed up by research?
Yes! there is an ever-growing body of research into this treatment modality. As of 2020, there are over 7500 published papers on PubMed on Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) and over 1200 published articles on photobiomodulation. You can read some of this research by clicking on the references below.
Does Laser therapy hurt?
No. The type of laser used for pain relief is different to lasers used in surgery. Laser therapy is painless, non-invasive and passes through the skin with no significant side effects. The laser we use has an inbuilt IQ delivery system which means we have real-time feedback to ensure the accuracy and safety of the treatment. You may feel some warmth on your skin, but you should not feel any discomfort. Laser therapy may also be less painful than manual treatments for musculoskeletal injuries.
Who is Laser therapy for?
Laser therapy is an effective treatment for anyone who is experiencing acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain. Studies have shown that it is particularly effective for:
• neck pain
• temporomandibular joint disorders
• shoulder pain
• elbow and joint pain
• fibromyalgia
• low back pain
• sciatica
• arthritis
• sports injuries
• soft tissue damage
• plantar fasciitis
Laser therapy treatment is also recommended for people who want to or need to avoid the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
How will I benefit from
Infrared Laser pain therapy?
Many excellent studies have shown that the use of infrared laser therapy treatment is effective for wound and soft tissue healing, improved muscle regeneration, reduced inflammatory processes and provide relief to both acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain.
We have also written an easy to understand yet detailed, peer reviewed journal article on how laser therapy works through the process of photobiomodulation on the treatment of musculoskeletal pain. You can read our article here for more in-depth information: Laser Therapy via Photobiomodulation for Musculoskeletal Pain in Clinical Settings
At Doctors of Osteo, we use one of the most advanced therapeutic lasers from DJO Global™ and Lightforce® with with their new 2022 XPI lasers. Play the video on the right to learn more about how you can benefit from laser therapy!
How many Infrared Laser sessions do I need?
Our osteopaths will discuss your treatment plan with you. The number of laser therapy treatment sessions required will depend upon your individual circumstances including the extent of your injury and how well you respond to treatment.
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We do what we do because there is nothing more rewarding than to help improve our patients’ lives. Each appointment with our patients is individually tailored, so you can rest assured that no matter who we have the pleasure to meet in our clinic, you will always receive the Doctors of Osteo difference.
To us, patients go beyond a file number. We can’t understate just how incredible our patients are, and as such, we look to offer each person the individual care and attention they deserve.